Ode to the stars | Teen Ink

Ode to the stars

May 13, 2013
By Poetry_wizard_1617 BRONZE, Greenwood, South Carolina
Poetry_wizard_1617 BRONZE, Greenwood, South Carolina
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The stars which shine in the night
It takes away the fears
Oh how it shines bright
Your brightness leads me through the dark
As I escape the beast with in me
Oh how you shine bright
You tame me at midnight
As I howl in your presence
I feel the caring part of me
Trying to come out
From the darkness which holds it
As I continue to stare in your bright light

The author's comments:
I love taking my sleeping bag out on the porch and just looking at the stars. And when I look up at the stars it makes me feel peaceful

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