The river bank | Teen Ink

The river bank

March 12, 2013
By GhostJay55 SILVER, Neptune Township, New Jersey
GhostJay55 SILVER, Neptune Township, New Jersey
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

When I'm down I like to tell myself
Everything will be okay
But when it just becomes a lie to myself
I take a walk down to the river bank

When I'm there I just watch the water flow
and feel envy for it's simplicity
Why does it get to lie around all day
Whilst life comes and tortures me

Then I think to myself everything has it's place
And every dog will truly have it's day
I may not be able to bite back right now
but i must build up the courage to stay

Stand strong in the face of pure aggravation
Stand strong when I am feeling weak
Stand strong because the very river that i had envied
Continues to push itself to reach it's peak

So I walk along my river bank
for it has always inspired me
And instead of standing still and letting me sink
It pushed forward and set me free.

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