500 Burning Miles | Teen Ink

500 Burning Miles

March 15, 2013
By GrantS. GOLD, Nashotah, Wisconsin
GrantS. GOLD, Nashotah, Wisconsin
14 articles 0 photos 0 comments

500 Burning Miles

They are the only ones that push me. I am the only one that moves them. 500 burning miles with pounding pain and relieving joy. 500 that describe the man I am. 500 stupid failures knock me down. From the sunset you can see it, but they walk and ignore me.

Their pressure is secret. They send destructive pride into my heart. They may roll and they may drop and they may send God’s grace through blood and sweat as I pray out of shock and hate. This is what they do.

Let go of all you love or you’ll just drop like swatted flies falling to their final breath. Run, run, run miles yell when I want to end. They know when I am too tired and too broken down to keep going, when I am a nobody to the world around me, then I go the miles. When you’ve lost it all and nothing to see. 500 who burn my passion. 500 who will always be there until I die. 500 whose only reason is to succeed.

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