What Have I Become? | Teen Ink

What Have I Become?

March 11, 2013
By coffield BRONZE, Bluffton, Indiana
coffield BRONZE, Bluffton, Indiana
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

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Darkness implodes upon me, suffocating, mutating, and always consuming.
Implacable hatred at my core, no matter how hard I try, its always my undoing.
I look at this worthless world through these warped and condescending eyes.
And dark laughter courses its way through me, as all the good inside me dies.
As a part of me laments the tragedy of having lost this bitterly long fought fight,
Another silently rejoices that I no longer have to worry about doing what is right.
The freedom to choose whatever path of life that I have the whim to take,
Allows me the long sought feeling of knowing that I am unable to make a mistake.
But still the fear of going down the wrong path forces its way into my heart.
Leaving a trail of nothing but pain and despair as my sanity slowly cracks apart.

Depression begins to shatter my mental barriers with his exquisitely agonizing pain.
Allowing my ever warping mind to creep even closer to becoming insane.
And as the bitter realization of having slipped into a nearly inescapable abyss fills me.
I reassure myself with the familiar and comforting lie that I am only who I have to be.
And as this hollow and woefully inadequate excuse falls upon my once open ears.
A new realization storms its way through my mind putting to rest some of my fears.
Maybe I am not as far down this dark and unforgiving path as I thought.
And perhaps it isn't too late for me to have the life that I had once sought.
Hope fights its way from the bottom of the Pandora's box that I had unknowingly opened.
Filling me with belief that I can be granted forgiveness for all the times I have sinned.

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