Obnoxius Laugh and Bitter Attitude | Teen Ink

Obnoxius Laugh and Bitter Attitude

March 11, 2013
By Purplerey BRONZE, Beaver Dam, Wisconsin
Purplerey BRONZE, Beaver Dam, Wisconsin
3 articles 0 photos 1 comment

I am from the torn sticky boxes and the old T.V.s,

from strong hair die and the old wood chest.
I am from a big oak tree like an ogre,
from the singing squirrels, racing in the long bumpy brown branches.
I am from a burning fire pit filled of soot,

from the ashy taste to the dented edge.

I am from water downed dip,
from homemade maple syrup.
I am from Aunt Amanda, Aunt Amber, Aunt Amy,

from Grandpa Dallas and his dream visit.
I am from OchoPocho, and Luna Cona,

from hard Sunday work around the house.

I am from suited grandpa,

from crowded Christmas parties.
I am from hard working cheerleading,

from chanting rhymes.
I am from present secrets. And story nights,

from the exciting mystery of gifts.

My thoughts of feelings out on the page,

in the world.
Feeling family love,

with care and freedom of personality.
In my mind and caring heart,

remembering all my memories of life.

The author's comments:
Written for my language class.


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