love of summer | Teen Ink

love of summer

March 7, 2013
By Anonymous

oh that one day where the school year is finally done
my eyes fill with tears as i begin to miss everyone
we all cheer and hide our frowns
but when the night is over we begin to feel down
i show my feelings in the day
to get the sadness out of the way

But then theres that season thats always a ton of fun
you can go to the park and enjoy the ray of the sun
so don’t think missing your friends is a bummer
just talk to them and show your love of summer!!!!!!!

love of summer
love of summer
love of summer

catch me rollin down the street with my hummer
summer is a cool awesome drummer

love of summer
love of summer
love of summer

between school and this summer is funner

summer is meant for fun
so stop being a sad bum
Be glad you have a break from school
cause now the love of summer can have you stay home and stay cool

Summer is like your best friend
It keeps you happy and makes you feel cool
summer has done a lot for you
so what will you do ?

The author's comments:
my teacher and my friends

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