Shine | Teen Ink


March 4, 2013
By flutepwns SILVER, Honeoye Falls, New York
flutepwns SILVER, Honeoye Falls, New York
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The lovely, mild, sun-swept air
Exhales a warm, sweet breeze.
Slim branches clothed in frothy green
Sway gently on the trees.

A cardinal of scarlet red,
With pleasant, peaceful song,
Calls out unto his little mate,
Then gracefully glides along.

The pansies turn their purple faces,
Rimmed with purest white,
To look up towards the setting sun
And catch its golden light.

Yes, the sun sinks further down.
I know because I’ve seen
That just before it fades away,
It shines most brilliantly.

Yes, the world will soon be dark.
Breezes will be squalls.
Pansies will droop down to dirt.
Frothy leaves will fall.

All we have is here and now.
Together, you and I
Will stand beneath the golden light,
Forget the coming black of night,
And love the world with all our might:
Together, we will shine.

The author's comments:
Love finds beauty in decay and hope in death.

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