Return Oh! Return....... | Teen Ink

Return Oh! Return.......

December 28, 2012
By Naduni BRONZE, Kottawa, Other
Naduni BRONZE, Kottawa, Other
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

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We are born to this world to give love and gain wisdom!

Hatred oh! Hatred
It erodes away your heart,
Weakens the muscles of dignity
And battle with your laugh!

Such petty things conquer
Your beautiful, deep notions
And weaken the sisterly bond
That parted our food to portions?

What power in impetuous words
Could conceal your amiable aura,
As the warm west wind slays
When hail invades the aura?

Return oh! return
The summer and spring in you,
May vernal showers freshen
My soul and light in you!

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