If you knew me | Teen Ink

If you knew me

December 7, 2012
By Anonymous

I don’t think anyone knows really anything about me. Someone might see the happiest girl that has it all together, but on the inside I’m dying. On the inside I just want to die and hide.
If you really knew me you’d know that I’m insecure about myself, you’d know that I wish I was someone pretty sometimes, you’d know that I couldn't look in the mirror without being disgusted at the person I was seeing. If you really knew me you’d know that I raised my sister and myself all alone, you’d know that my mom use to be a drug addict and was never really around for me, you’d know that I learned to hide the pain. If you really knew me then you’d know I use to harm myself, you’d know that I've cried myself to sleep a MILLION times. If you really knew me you’d know how alone I feel, how my mother && father where never really there, you’d know that I keep my problems to myself and I let them eat me alive. If you really knew me then you’d know how love has scarred me, you’d know that I gave everything to my first just to be left like a fool, you’d know what it’s like to be called ugly in front of everyone by someone you care about, you’d know I learned to not get close to anyone because they just leave in the end. Take a look at me and tell me what you see.

The author's comments:
I was sad one day and i wrote this

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