God's Fundamental Impact | Teen Ink

God's Fundamental Impact

December 3, 2012
By Karlie21 BRONZE, Rochester, New York
Karlie21 BRONZE, Rochester, New York
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
“She was struck by the simple truth that sometimes the most ordinary things could be made extraordinary, simply by doing them with the right people...” -Nicholas Sparks, The Lucky One

Bad things happen to good people,
Structure of life is quite feeble.

Some unlucky twist of fate,
Darkness will seep in, filtrate,

And still I am told,
Onto blind faith I must hold.

Fantastic buildings topple down,
Entire cities are left to drown.

The child with the bloated innards,
Body an empty shell for sinners.

Lovely mother of three,
Cursed with terminal disease.

Young man in war killed,
Life forever stilled.

Tragedy strikes every waking hour,
In unimaginable ways that sour.

And still I am told,
Onto blind faith I must hold.

It’s said good people do not exist …
To God mankind is an annoying syst.

Disasters are His almighty wrath,
Paving the way to a righteous path.

But this leaves more pressing questions,
Why must He teach with such awful lessons?

Nighttime strikes the shining day,
It sucks the airy joy away.

And still I am told,
Onto blind faith I must hold.

Good things happen to those who don’t deserve,
And unfeeling smile I must preserve.

To some outrageous ideas I shall submit,
If for only the sake of mine own spirit.

Because there will come a day suffering abates,
The day we stand on brink of pearly gates.

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