The Black Ballad | Teen Ink

The Black Ballad

October 15, 2007
By Anonymous

A woman walks through stifling haze
Her face, an iron stare
The people gone and buildings razed
Leave city skylines bare

And as she hears a roar above
The crash of titan guns
(she sees)
A city so devoid of love
Will seldom see the sun

Her hardened eyes see buildings charred
The bodies, all the same
And, stepping over littered shards
Toward searing, vengeant flame

Toward screaming men and tortured lives
Toward fear and loss and death
Toward scattered hopes and piercing knives
She takes one last deep breath

And as she steps into the fire
That whirlwind of hate
(she knows)
The agonizing screams now tire
The tempest now abates

A woman gives a black earth choice
A world free of strife
At times it takes a mother’s voice
To sing the song of life

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