Lovers in the Swirling City | Teen Ink

Lovers in the Swirling City

August 4, 2008
By Anonymous

Like machines in motion we stroll down the staggered streets
With silver sails on our feet, we soar on seas of stale concrete
Her perfume like vaporous sapphire, dying the whole world blue
My shaking hands, glowing, giving the world an ever-redder hue
Her dulcet song bouncing around; resounding down the avenue
Swirling together, touching colors rich and lovely and new

Riding on the warming emerald grains, we made our green descent
To the turquoise waves, waving to us in their rippling resplendence
An oracle, where seraphs wander down its shining scarlet halls
Sits atop a shapeless ageless peak time's lips have never kissed
With crystalline columns studded with singing crimson waterfalls
Crowned by Corinthian capitals of glaring velveteen amethyst

The beat of passion echoes through the azure masonry
On a ruby red bed, I am lying next to her, and she next to me
Our spirits soaring, christened by the choir's vibrant rhymes
Here in this bright embrace, the many worlds become whole
Enigmas dissolve, riddles unwind, unfurl before our mind
Eyes effervescent, become clear, as we peer into our soul

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