We jump together my love. | Teen Ink

We jump together my love.

April 28, 2012
By JD-love BRONZE, IN, Indiana
JD-love BRONZE, IN, Indiana
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
love is strong but are you:<br /> love is far but i will always be in your heart&lt;3

You take my hand,
As we stand at the edge,
You say it's ok.

As we look in the depths of life,
Me forever by your side,
Your words soft, and kind.

We see the sign.
We now know it is time.
So hear we go my love.

To the end together,

I close my eyes, as you hold me.
We jump.
We see.
It's still just you and me<3

The author's comments:
I wrote this for my love because he was always there for me even though there was no hope in my life.

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