Who is the lion? | Teen Ink

Who is the lion?

May 12, 2012
By Azile BRONZE, Aurora, Oregon
Azile BRONZE, Aurora, Oregon
1 article 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
Live laugh love

“Who is the lion,” someone asked,
On a summer day when they passed.
The lion was like a human,
With many things to say.
Like what is the crazy thing standing in his way?
Or why is there a thump, thump, thump?
Or in the night why did things go bump?
He was Albert Einstein,
With brains wouldn’t believe,
He could tell you why the ants would crawl right up your sleeve.
He’d tell you they would skitter,
Right to the very spot.
Then they’ll be on their way without ever being caught.
Many people love him.
Many people don’t.
People think he’s strange,
When he would zoom up on the range.
Or when he’d gallop down on his two own feet,
Sometimes he would walk down the middle of the street.
He’d holler at the man that asked who was he,
And tell him he was as normal as any human being.

The author's comments:
I had to write a poem or story that had 5 onomatopoeia, 1 simile, 1 metaphor, and 1 personification. So I decided to make a poem and it ended up rhyming. I really didn't know I could do that and I was so proud of myself! :D

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This article has 1 comment.

Kaitlyn:)!!! said...
on May. 23 2012 at 3:34 pm

This is INSPIRING, and BEAUTIFUL work of art
