Nonexsistent | Teen Ink


July 16, 2008
By Anonymous

I ponder,

Continuous radiance and simplicity.


Maybe not so simplistic.

More simply seen,

Simply viewed,

Simply judged.

Judgments from everyone.

Everyone judged in the simplest ways.

Judgments cause pain,

Unwanted gains.
How complex,

One life becomes,

With all the simplicity of a judgment.

One judgment,

Causes interpretation,

Causes investigation,

Causes limitation, in
Our lives.

The perfect life: to not have judgment,

To have just those surrounding us, who love us.

That life does not exist.

Only in fairytales and fantasies, that
Seem to be

Perfect descriptions of what we want,

what we need.

Though we know it does not exist,

We still seek it.

The author's comments:
I am someone who loves to write about nonfictional themes and to "keep it real".
I love sarcasm and trying to discover things through real life experiences.
Poetry is my expression.

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