Easter | Teen Ink


May 3, 2012
By beccarox98 SILVER, Monticello, Illinois
beccarox98 SILVER, Monticello, Illinois
6 articles 0 photos 4 comments

I always hide the Easter eggs,
Even from my Uncle Gregg!

I love pretending to be the Easter Bunny,
Because I know where to find the money!

First we go to church,
But I can’t wait till the Easter Egg Search!

When we get home I have to hurry,
I also run around and scurry!

I hide the eggs by a tree,
But watch out for the dog pee!

I hide them inside the porch,
But not by the flaming hot torch!

When my sisters come outside,
They just sat there and cried!

They just wanted to find the money,
That came from the "Easter Bunny"!

We run all around,
Even on the ground!.

When the last Easter egg is gone,
We all stretch and yawn.

Even though it was fun,
Our Easter fun is officially done!

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