Imagination and Innocence | Teen Ink

Imagination and Innocence

April 9, 2008
By Anonymous

Childhood is like a piece of chocolate melted,
into your hot sticky your hands.
Freddy bear, my teddy bear, being pelted,
running around with your best friend and fans.

Finding a Power Ranger Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup,
at the integrated Cape Cod recess
it makes our mood go up.
Our good fortune we did bless.

I remember playing the alphabet game,
see the Bee, that is on the tree.
Finally the winner is me, though just a name.

The horses play near the hay, then fun away,
to be scared, frightened to death;
from lightening tennis as if hi ho cherry-o summer camp as the rackets sway.
I was frightened so much I jumped so high I went over the moon, right into the play Macbeth.

Brown Baby Bear did not betray me
to the scorpions, scary and scattered.
My hero held me safe, but it was not to be.

I remember, the nightmares are like a lie;
that those furious and angry doughnuts vie.

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