The Best Years | Teen Ink

The Best Years

April 9, 2008
By Anonymous

Childhood is like winning the lottery,
Spice girls-grandparents and making pottery.
The best years filled with Barbie’s and making a game.
Talking about getting older over others, being rich, and having the fame.

Staying up for a million hours and having a nightmare.
Nights were like a game of truth or dare.
Monsters and Scary people snuck into my room.
Playing dress up and wearing a wacky costume.

Summer nights filled with laughter, playing kick the can.
Going with the flow of things and never making a plan.
The nights went on forever being so much fun.
Friendships lasted forever and never came undone.

Capture the flag-duke devil dog chasing us!
Childhood is a life of love and fuss.
Being crazy and easy eating each fundip;
The sugar rush would beat us with a whip.

Dancing flowers in the field and tomboy-tag,
Racing-summer camps the place I met marvelous, magnificent Mag!
Creating pranks and being clever,
Childhood is the best life ever!

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