My Hated Inspiration | Teen Ink

My Hated Inspiration

March 10, 2008
By Anonymous

I was lied to and betrayed
Left to drown in my temptations
Abandoned by you
Adopted by discrimination
You made a promise
That I would be protected forever
But when people looked down on you
I denied we were together

You hated me
For being attached to you
Unaware of the tragedies
And everything you went through
You said you would erase my pain
To keep me from being hurt
All because of your appearance
I was hated first

Why did I have to be born with you
Why are you apart of me
Because of you, everyone has suffered
And I am no longer free
You carry the blood of thousands
And their struggles of hundreds of years
You died many deaths
And cried many tears

I looked in admiration
Because you were strong
You maintained your integrity
When others did you wrong
You made thousands apply effort
When others seemed to fail
You were beaten and spat on
Imprisoned in jail

I hate you because you are my history
The reason I might not succeed
But you are also my only strength
In my desperate times of need
I have learned that you’re apart of me
From now until my end
You are the definition of my meaning
You are…The color to my skin

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