There's a Mother | Teen Ink

There's a Mother

July 4, 2008
By Anonymous

She holds you in her arms when she first lays eyes on you
Loves you even before you can talk
Will continue to love no matter how much wrong you have done
She will lead you by the hand to cross the troubled streets
Guide you in the direction in which you should go
She pushes you and instructs you until you can fly
She will always be there and hold you in her heart
Cry with you when you experience pain as if your troubles are her own
She will always help you up wgeb you are down and then push you even harder the right direction
She will always be there for you even if you feel that shes not
For you there will always be a home outside of the four wall foundation with a barrier overhead against evil
There is always a mother watching over you
A league of heroes
Your teachers, grandmothers, cashiers at the stores, the women who keep records of your bank account, doctors
There is always a warm tender love that provides a safe barrier.
Somewhere, anywhere, everywhere,
There's a mother

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