Small Town "Suicide" | Teen Ink

Small Town "Suicide"

May 2, 2008
By Anonymous

The air is thick with tradition
Its victims pirouette around reality
Tripping and falling, its hostages roam like cattle searching for the gate
The ones with acquired immunity plan for a grand escape

On the outside of this box lies an undiscovered fate
Doomed are all who wear their blinded hearts on their sleeves
Only the apt will survive, their deepest woes hidden inside

In this box sickening spirit thrives
The victims worship their self-made heroes, loyal to the death
Those against the regime be stoned, mocked, and disowned
The differences a death wish, unrequited martyrs of a mysterious crime

Outside world beware
Polluted puppets inside this box writhe and squirm without a care
Within this box no individual thought resides
Such a concept has never been sought

But the few willing to scream such tabooed phrases
They will be the ones that make it
These beings ventured outside the box
Resistance brings a powerful cost

Recompense these heroes who are not your own
Though they are not worth your time, bid them discreet goodbyes
Betrayal is your only freedom
Naivety their greatest crime

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