City Life | Teen Ink

City Life

November 22, 2011
By ashleylinick GOLD, South Plainfield, New Jersey
ashleylinick GOLD, South Plainfield, New Jersey
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Never give up and never give in.

The life of the city is still moving fast
As I return late at night from earning my pay.
It is time to relax, for I am home at last.

I rest my head from those long hours past.
This comfort is where I’d like to stay.
The life of the city is still moving fast.

To the rural land, there is much contrast
in this busy lifestyle I live each day.
But, it is time to relax, for I am home at last.

My constant movement is far surpassed
by this comfortable bed in which I lay.
Yet, the life of the city is still moving fast.

Why people choose this life, I’ve never asked,
but my schedule is one I must obey.
Now, it is time to relax, for I am home at last.

Outside I hear a sudden blast
from a car that is rushing away.
The life of the city is still moving fast,
but it is time to relax, for I am home at last.

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