It'll Catch Up with You When You Stop Running | Teen Ink

It'll Catch Up with You When You Stop Running

April 28, 2008
By Anonymous

I asked why?
She asked why not?
Livin' easy
And livin' free
No worries, or responsibilities
It's hair flowing in the wind
Toes gliding through the grass
And two hearts beat to beat
Don't neglect the grinding, snorting, shooting and smoking.
The ash, coughing and puking.
The distance between two friends,
And the close contact between "business" partners.
Buy and sell, sell then buy, snort it, smoke it, shoot it.
I asked why?
She asked why not?
It was music that kept flowing,
brains constantly a-glowin
& never ending love.
We used to be neighbors
But we slowly moved across country.
I watched the soul lift out your body
and wash away with the cool tide.
Your face I could hardly recognize
and your carefree lifestyle became more and more demanding.
I asked why?
You asked why not?
Why not?

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