Wake Up | Teen Ink

Wake Up

April 28, 2008
By Anonymous

I seek the answers,

The cure for cancers.
Dive into thought, like a vast blue sea.
Never knowing, what may lie in front of me.
Biting like a fish, on the reel of change.
Accepting new things, others find strange.
Brainstorming ideas like thunder, lightning, rain,
A world of no change, is a world that’s insane.
Doing the same thing over, expecting different results.
Never think to differ your ways, or just accept your faults.
“If nothing changes, nothing changes.” My mother always said.
A motto, to live by, dissolving in my head.
Why wait for change to come to you?
I seek change, a path, a different route.
I think, I analyze, I break down, I discover,
All the secrets, asking to be uncovered.
Life as a never ending dream, calls for a time to Wake Up.
Living like robots, Enough is Enough.
Systems of education,
Regulation, “it’s for the good of the nation”
Some of us are growing quite impatient,
These stimulations will be no longer taken.

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