The Words Are Hiding | Teen Ink

The Words Are Hiding

November 2, 2011
By KaseyMae PLATINUM, Rocky Face, Georgia
KaseyMae PLATINUM, Rocky Face, Georgia
39 articles 8 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Love&#039;s a war you&#039;ll never win, just stop fighting, just give in.<br /> Break the rules, Stand apart, Ignore your head, Follow your heart<br /> When the time comes, baby don&#039;t run, just Kiss Me Slowly.&lt;3

You're the time taken up,

I will never have enough.

You're the words, flooding down,

I see the ink, pouring out.

You're the dreams I see at night,

I can't explain this sense of "right."

You're the butterflies stirring in my belly,

I just can't shake this feeling of silly.

You're the chills I feel when we're out in the cool,

You be my heater as my feelings pool.

You're the thing that makes my day,

But I'm afraid of heartbreak, to scared to say what I want to say.

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