Love's Rainbow | Teen Ink

Love's Rainbow

October 25, 2011
By Athenly GOLD, Oakhurst, California
Athenly GOLD, Oakhurst, California
11 articles 3 photos 5 comments

Favorite Quote:
People see what they want to see and disraguard the rest.
~Paul Simon

Stand with me in a field of flowers
Where the sun touches the ground
Sunset skies of wondrous colors
With absolutely no one else around.

Hold my hand as we sit in green grass
Hug me tight as the sun sinks
Sing me a song as the dark takes over
Kiss me after the dark took away the pinks.

Dance with me in the cool rain
Twirl as the thunder crashes
Jump when the lightning strikes the sky
Spin as the cold wind lashes.

Stay up all night till the storms over
Watch the rain gradually stop.
Clouds disperse, sun rises over the field
A rainbow appears at the very top.

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