In Snuggly Repose We’re Found | Teen Ink

In Snuggly Repose We’re Found

October 9, 2011
By Philosopherpoet DIAMOND, Happy Valley, Oregon
Philosopherpoet DIAMOND, Happy Valley, Oregon
50 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"An eye for an eye only ends up making the whole world blind". -Mohandas K. Gandhi

Ah, cuddling in warmth to be,
Softness abound,
Come across you and me,
In snuggly repose we’re found.

How could we ever leave this snug embrace?
How could I ever leave you?
We are arm, in arm, face to face,
Nothing else in the world to do.

I’ve surrendered all pretense to you,
You’ve to me done likewise.
Your beauty makes my breaths long and few,
You’ve bewitched all sense, not least my eyes.

For windows to the soul are they,
And my soul’s windows are open,
Climb yourself in and play,
Sweet music now and then.

Or, rather, more than so,
That we may melt together,
And great sweetness know,
Any climate, any weather.

Your silky hair flows down,
And wraps me in joy,
I’ll try to play both the clown,
And the love-tormented boy.

Either way, I’ll seek your consent,
Your approval of my self-same self.
If not, I shall lament,
Lost grace from a charming elf.

But none of that now,
My sights are clear,
On attempting how,
That grace may appear.


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