The Painter's Rise | Teen Ink

The Painter's Rise

May 5, 2011
By matcarson SILVER, Cochranville, Pennsylvania
matcarson SILVER, Cochranville, Pennsylvania
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Love never fails"

The darkness, it plagues the earth.
Only the king could save.
He chose a brush, to paint rebirth
To combat the dragon, who our souls it craves.

The dragon, that old serpent
Consuming the planet, a sinful feast,
Only failing to conquer the repent.
A fool, ignore the beast.

The King, He is coming!
Covering creation, a glorious revival
With the eye He watched, now paints the running
Master Artist, You are able!

In the hills they meet.
The creator prevailing the liar.
To the abyss, the beast in defeat.
Over the King, there is no higher!

To the sky! The love came down
A tidal wave of glory with no opposition.
The banished beast again is drowned.
Hail the King! The repent: the Christians!

But the beast will return, as the son will set.
And we shall withstand, for the eye is watching.
In the stronghold, we sing to the inglorious wretch:
"Behold oh night! The Son forever coming!"

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