Sunset | Teen Ink


April 4, 2011
By Hamleton SILVER, Ferris, Texas
Hamleton SILVER, Ferris, Texas
6 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
There is not contradiction between diversity and excellence. -Barack Obama<br /> <br /> Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them. -Shakespeare

New beginnings. Start fresh.
I have to get out of this town.
It's time, sift through the mesh.

New city. Lost downtown.
Breaking free from the norm,
New me from sole to crown.

Same problems taking new form,
I don't know how to cope,
This is a new brand of storm.

The solution is out of scope,
Always out of my reach.
Hold on to all I have: Hope.

Day to day I live by the beach,
Day and night, I have a dream.
But I never gave a speech.

My life is being unthreaded at the seam.
A million men didn't come to help me,
All I can say is, "Well I HAD a dream."

Without a dream, there's no reason to be;
New beginnings fade into memory
And now, the sun sinks into the sea.


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