Eternal Shoreline | Teen Ink

Eternal Shoreline

January 7, 2008
By Anonymous

Ebbing and flowing, the tide kisses the sand and then retreats to the sea
A vast wave is followed by a modest ripple
Inconsistent deluges of an eternal shoreline
The reliance of these motions never fail

A vast wave is followed by a modest ripple
Drown in a tragedy or drift in a miracle
The reliance of these motions never fail
Tides still pull in and out

Drown in a tragedy or drift in a miracle
Minutes, hours, days and waves
Tides still pull in and out
Their impact unreliable

Ebbing and flowing, the tide kisses the sand and retreats to the sea
Minutes, hours, days and waves
Their impact unreliable
Inconsistent deluges of an eternal shoreline.

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