Grapefruit is Delicious | Teen Ink

Grapefruit is Delicious

January 25, 2011
By MargaretC GOLD, Hopewell Jct, New York
MargaretC GOLD, Hopewell Jct, New York
14 articles 0 photos 4 comments

Favorite Quote:
Disability is a matter of perception. If you can do just one thing well, you're needed by someone.
Martina Navratilova

she sat there
the sun gleaming like
a grapefruit with long
shining arms
asking her to follow
it forever
and ever
The sea was waving
calling her
the waves
as white and choppy
as a cup
one of those Styrofoam cups
with the texture
that only they can have
the air
it had a smell
it smelled of her mother
her mother
her mother
it smelled of the stuff her mother
used to put on her lips
each morning
the smell of the
pumpkin smelling lip gloss
the only type she
would allow in the house
she stared down at the road
there were people there
playing on the beach
the grapefruit
and they took
no interest in her
standing there
on the hill
a lone car drove by
not enjoying
the sun
like she did
the clouds above her
they drifted like her thoughts
they wandered like paper
filled with the ideas of others
ones that others didn't accept
ones that could be great
but aren't
the horizon
was perfect
it reminded her of her father
her father
her father
it looked the pen
he would carry around with him
everyday to work
and back again
she would watch with awe
as he would pick up the pen
to write a letter
it was an orange pen
the only color
her father
would allow
in the house
and the only color
the sun
seemed to like
she smiled
and sat back
to enjoy

The author's comments:
This was a challenge given in school one day, to write a poem using a couple seemingly random objects. Lip gloss, a pen, a grapefruit, and a Styrofoam cup. Those words turned into this poem.

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