Love and Life | Teen Ink

Love and Life

December 3, 2007
By Tpirnia SILVER, Olney, Maryland
Tpirnia SILVER, Olney, Maryland
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I've decided not to give up on love and life
because I know that
there will always be someone else.

And that someone
will laugh and smile
just for me.

He will always be there
and he will stay
with me through everything.

And through the bad
he will make me laugh so that
I forget there was ever any bad.

Every moment we spend
will be full of life
and love because we will be together.

And when we walk together,
holding hands, people
will see what true love is.

So go ahead and break my heart;
it doesn't matter because you
will be the one losing.

I will go on living, waiting
for that special person to come
so that I can live a
Happily Forever After Life.

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