Love And I | Teen Ink

Love And I

June 1, 2008
By Anonymous

My heart has been broken before
Ripped out of my chest and thrown onto the floor
It's been stomped on and shattered
Too many times this happened, so why does it even matter?
What's the point of fixing it if it's only going to be broken again?
So I'm going to write my heartache out with paper and pen,
Tears fall from my eyes
As I look back on all the lies...
The fake love but real hurt,
The shattering of my world.
The pain of love is too much to bare.
It's gotten to the point that I no longer care.
I promised to heal my own heart,
To love myself and put back together every part.
Love and I will go our separate ways for a while
Until the day I feel like I'm ready to take on it's challenge with a smile.

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