September 1, 2010
By Gilbert, BRONZE, Houston, Texas
Gilbert, BRONZE, Houston, Texas
3 articles 0 photos 7 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Impossible is Impossible"

What more peaceful beauty can man desire,
than the virtue her bosom acquires.

In her fine self, the island stands in the middle of the colorful sea,
as the tides gently caresses its belly.
As the morning breeze slowly awaits the entrance of my nostrils
the chirping birds kindly welcome me to her face.

Her power is beyond what we can imagine,
with her element of light raging with fire, inch from inch,
she brings us the coolness of night.

Nothing compares to her flourishes of green,
her radiance glows with pride,
filled with care her stunning tide.

Her grace surpasses the extremes of our endurance,
the warmth of her love spells insurance,
her enormous self exceeds our ignorance.

Listen; it’s the sound of peace,
wallowing in beauty,
It’s Mother Nature in her majesty.

The author's comments:
Sitting outside my house one sunday morning i realised how blessed we are on earth and how beautiful mother earth is.That is what inspired this poem.


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