Would He | Teen Ink

Would He

October 31, 2007
By Anonymous

Loving someone is too hard to do
Because you know it’s hurting you
You care about them so much
They make you happy with just one touch
There’s too much to deal with right now
There’s too much to do
To much to figure out
Who you are deep inside of you
So much to do
But now you finally realize I’m here to help you
To help you do what you need to
To figure out if you love them as much as they love you
To understand what your doing
Every time you’re moving
Is it a dream or something real?
Something that you can feel and relate to
Or something you imagined
To get away from life
Because there is no magic
You need to find out what to do
Because it’s hurting you
Because you know you’re hurting them
Because you can’t tell them
Everything and anything
But wonder if they’ll listen
Would they hurt?
Would they push you?
Or throw you away
Like an old toy
Would he always be your boy?
And would he say
He would never cheat on you
Or leave you any day
Not even for another girl
Would he always protect world
Or would he leave you alone to cry by yourself to make your life a leaving hell

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This article has 1 comment.

on Oct. 23 2009 at 11:59 am
Warren_Uzumaki DIAMOND, Jim Thorpe, Pennsylvania
92 articles 28 photos 47 comments

Favorite Quote:
they say the mind bends and twists to deal with the horrors of life... <br /> ...some times the mind bends so much it snaps in two. <br /> <br /> Love at first sight wastes less time

nice and very true