Do We Dare? | Teen Ink

Do We Dare?

August 29, 2010
By ugh,life.... BRONZE, Homer City, Pennsylvania
ugh,life.... BRONZE, Homer City, Pennsylvania
3 articles 0 photos 2 comments

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"Its because we gave them all the spot light, and let the shine in the ways they know how. We never ever told that they weren't good enough, or pretty enough, or smart enough, we just let them do their own thing, and it worked"~Dee Ann

As of late your always on my mind.

You have been there when the other weren't so kind.

We used to be together.

But one thing we could not weather.

My greatest mistake.

Now, forever my heart shall ache.

I see your cute smile almost everyday.

Now, I know the butterflies shall never go away.

You're always on my mind.

My dreams are now silver lined.

Oh, how i wish you were mine.

But, I'll just have to wait in line.

You used to say you love me.

But now all you can do is see.

See how badly my heart aches.

Its only a matter of time before it breaks.

Oh my, here comes the butterflies.

I know that after a while you got sick of the lies.

You say that you care.

But do we dare?

I know the temptation is now high.

But I promise, I shall never again lie.

You like making me happy even for the shortest while.

Well, I'll...

I'll promise to laugh more.

And show you that you don't need that w****.

I miss that we used to tell each other everything.

You treated me like your queen, and you my king.

Oh, what i would do for just one more chance.

You make me happy even with just a simply passing glance.

You make my darkness turn to light.

You make my heart set flight.

I should never have lied.

I would have rather died.

But most importantly, i'm so so very sorry.

I know, now, it means nothing.

But i know we had something.

Maybe, just maybe, we can rekindle it.

And not have it explode with one last hit.

You say that you care...

But do we dare?? ;)

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