Love Always | Teen Ink

Love Always

October 25, 2007
By Anonymous

Thump thump, thump thump, thump thump, thump thump, thump thump,
all just in our dream I could not believe.
Your blood bursts in my heart, and out in a pump,
all just in my dread, how could you deceive?
Your time with me, and mine with you, too fast,
you and I learned to travel much more slow.
Since now you want us to stay in the past,
and we learned that leaves more places to go.
Never did I know what you truly did think,
always I had pictured us together.
I feared this, so I would not even blink,
then I awoke nothing is forever.
As two on hold meanwhile your decease,
love of my life forever REST IN PEACE.

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