Heaven's Lament | Teen Ink

Heaven's Lament

May 9, 2010
By TheStoryWeaver GOLD, Sofia, Other
TheStoryWeaver GOLD, Sofia, Other
12 articles 4 photos 39 comments

Favorite Quote:
"The Aenied is an Odyssey of epic proportions." - Caleb
"Eve was deceived and ate the fruit, Adam ate it out of stupidity." - Mr. M
"Begone ye map of woe!"
"I'm the map..." - Lydia and Caleb.

It stretches from end to end of the world.
Its pillows are the mountains and its mirror the sea.
It twists and turns this way and that
As far as the eye can see.
And oh, the sky.
The sky, the sky, decked out in glorious blue.
It changes throughout the day
In the morning and evening and noon.
In the morning it sighs in lacy pink.
In clear blue at noon does it drink.
And in midnight blue it stays,
Waiting and watching
‘Till the dawn signals the day.
And oh, the sun.
The sun, the sun, travels in a never-ending quest
Across the heavens and the earth
In its long-worn search,
Leaving white clouds in its wake.
And though it’s sad to walk this land,
It dances for the heartbroken’s sake.
And oh, the moon.
The moon, the moon, waxing and waning at night.
It stays with the world because of the tears it heard
And to comfort the little ones’ fright.
And oh, the stars.
The stars, the stars, pinpricks of heaven’s light.
At night they sigh
And tears do they cry
For the loss of the peaceful night.
For because of the war and because of the strife
Because of the hate and loss of life
The stars do shine, the moon does glide,
The sun does seek.
And in vain do the heavens weep
For the earth they once loved is dead.

The author's comments:
I've never really thought of the sun and moon only "staying" because they feel sorry for us.

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