"The Third Time's the Charm" | Teen Ink

"The Third Time's the Charm"

October 7, 2007
By Anonymous

Back in the days of building blocks and nap time,
When our biggest worries were our baby dolls and Power Rangers,
I was falling in love with the cowboy of our preschool.
His hat was always worn proudly, his badge shiny for all to see,
The boots he wore clanked loudly while the spurs were spinning ‘round
I deeply loved this wild-west ranger and he loved me all the same,
He was my husband and I his wife until the day I moved away.

Years had passed and there we were, kings and queens of elementary school
With our preteens came dramatic scenes and love budding about
A little boy with a British accent had won me heart and soul
First came love notes, followed by calls, and then an actual date
He was sure it was love and confessed it to me late one night
Unable to handle the strength of this word, I began to chicken out
And though it was much to his despair, our affair ended the next night

Life had all begun anew as I started my freshman year
I had found a new guy to admire from afar and devote all my thoughts to
His hair was shaggy, his glasses round, and he was timid as a mouse
Year after year we flirted around unsure of the other’s affection
But one day he ended out little chase and made us “official”
And since that day we’ve made our way together into love
Now we happily spend our days, unsure of where love will take us

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