Missing Him Already | Teen Ink

Missing Him Already

October 4, 2007
By Anonymous

Seeing him there sitting on the floor
looking at his pictures going by
I realized how much I will miss him

The thought of never seeing him again
is just terrifing becuase I will miss him
every second of everyday

We only talk in the morining
and we hardly even talk then
but when we do its just amazing

He is very talented
and can go very far
in his life

But how long will I
miss him?
How long will it be till
I see him again?

I know I am acting selfish
only thinking about me and
my feelings

I want him to go far
I want nothing but the best
in his life becuase he deserves it

He has worked hard for
everything he has earned
He is an honorable person

Why couldn't I have met
him sooner?
Why did it have to be his last year?

I wish I could tell him that
I love him
but how will he react?

I dare not ruin
it now, now that we have
so little time left

I know not
weather he will remember
me 3 days after leaving

But I do know
that although he hasn't left
I am missing him already..

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