Luered me in! (too late) | Teen Ink

Luered me in! (too late)

March 14, 2010
By *Kace* BRONZE, Council Grove, Kansas
*Kace* BRONZE, Council Grove, Kansas
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Never let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game!

When I look up I see fields of blue, with white flowers painted all over! The spirits of my ancestors meding them! Also watching. Watching me. Seeking out my future and filling my mind with adventures. But also watching. Watching and laughing at my mistiakes. All the errors i make and all the fibs i tell. Waiting. Just waiting for me to go to them. For me to finally give in and ask for their help. But I won't. I won't let the tide set me off course! i won't let it carry me away, and set me on a different path! I am like a phoenix. Alone; searching the world for something to amuse me! Something to pull me out of this foggy haze! To pull me away from the darkness that threatens me! But no, it's too late! It's luered me in!


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