Keep forgetting to foeget about you | Teen Ink

Keep forgetting to foeget about you

January 8, 2010
By Son`ador SILVER, Hamilton, Other
Son`ador SILVER, Hamilton, Other
8 articles 0 photos 9 comments

Favorite Quote:
"We all mess up sometimes,but if we make a conscious effort to do good more times than not, we'll be doing life right."
Stephanie Perry Moore

Life sucks, and then you die!!

Why can’t I just forget about you?
That’s why, I keep forgetting to.
Why can’t I just forget about you?
Maybe it’s your beautiful smile.
Why can’t I just forget about you?
That’s why, I keep forgetting to.
Why can’t I just forget about you?
Ur warm scent that envelopes me when you walk into a room.
Why can’t I forget about you?
You make me cry myself to sleep.
So why am I not over you?
You’re my addiction, like a druggie stuck on heroine.
So why can’t I forget about you?
Oh, that’s right because I keep forgetting to forget about you.

The author's comments:
This poem was inspired by JoJo's song Keep forgetting to forget about you.

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