Show Stopper | Teen Ink

Show Stopper

November 9, 2009
By Bo Endean BRONZE, Big Stone Gap, Virginia
Bo Endean BRONZE, Big Stone Gap, Virginia
3 articles 1 photo 0 comments

What is happening to people?
We're either staring at the steeples,
or holding our heads down to the ground
without a sound; frown- from the inside and from the out.
Having the doubt in our minds that
convinces that we are a lost cause;
captured in the jaws of society,
by the government, and religious persecution,
or execution of the mind.

We need something divine
to remind us; hold us steady
so that we are ready for the heavi-
ness of what is to come;
something that will help us stand tall
so that we will not fall
from the weight of all that is on our heads.

We need a man who is capable running an army
standing strong with his throng of soldiers;
taking the poor, lame, and widowed and just hold them,
console them, and treat them as his own kin.

Undying passion, able to make a lastin' impression.
Not holding any concession to the oppression
of the masses; hearing the cries of the ones who lie
before him; taking them
under the protection of his wing.

Then it will be seen that this thing
isn't what it used to be; it's run by a king;
Someone more powerful than the sun
but yet he is the one who will run
this show. He will create the flow
that will let us know that
there is a new plan.
He will run this show...
He will run this show.


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