Nightsongs | Teen Ink


October 15, 2009
By Birdy-chan SILVER, Manistee, Michigan
Birdy-chan SILVER, Manistee, Michigan
8 articles 0 photos 4 comments

Favorite Quote:
"In my opinion, the one statement that's ALWAYS believable is, 'I am a liar.' This is because, whether they always tell the truth or not, they ARE a liar. If they do lie, they're telling the truth, and if they always tell the truth, they're lying."

When songs of the forest dance through the night,
Listen for the melody that is sung;
It calls to each and all
For it wants only to be heard.

Listen for the melody that is sung
Late nights when the moon is full.
For it wants only to be heard;
Does it touch your heart as well?

Late nights when the moon is full
There will be music in the trees.
Does it touch your heart as well,
This dancing, sighing, swaying song?

There will be music in the trees
When hearts are most receptive.
This dancing, sighing, swaying song-
It is the key to the locked doors of dreamers’ hearts.

When the hearts are most receptive,
When the songs of the forest dance through the night,
It is the key to the locked doors of dreamers’ hearts
For it wants only to be heard.


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