Mama | Teen Ink

Mama MAG

By Anonymous

   oh mama,

Jesus don't love me today.

he's told me mama,

no nigger goin' there,

doin' that,

sayin' that.

oh mama,

i'm dark in a sea of bright,

erase my color mama.

oh mama.

i'm lost.

find me mama

'cause i can'st tell where i'm going',

what i'm doin',

what i'm sayin'.

oh mama,

God don't care for me tonite.

he's gone an' raped me mama.

raped me of my pride.

oh mama,

i'm dyin', dyin' 'cause i ain't anyone.

rescue me mama.

oh mama,

God one an' killed me today.

he dug out my heart mama,

the heart that couldn't love him.

mourn me mama.

cry for me mama.

oh mama,

i found him.

God, mama, i found him.

he loves me mama.

oh mama,

i'm at peace.

i don't hurts no more.

he loves me mama.

oh mama,

i'm real now.

my darkness is brightness now mama.

he loves me mama.

oh mama,

i was wrong.

that wasn't him before.

he loves me mama.

oh mama,

oh mama,

oh mama, God real'y love me.

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This article has 1 comment.

wesb said...
on Mar. 16 2010 at 9:15 am
i dont like this at all