Beautiful Remorse | Teen Ink

Beautiful Remorse

August 25, 2009
By xoxokaty PLATINUM, Indianapolis, Indiana
xoxokaty PLATINUM, Indianapolis, Indiana
34 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Can't you see that she needs help.
Playing like a broken record.
She just wats her presence to be felt.
Her heart has sweltered.
Why am I the only one to notice this?
That's pain behind her eyes.
Does anybody care?
There's no truth in here lies;
Lies of happiness.
Does that seem fair?
Only happy when she sleeps;
Death is dreamt of there.
Once awake she eternally weeps;
While a smile has graced her face,
But when no one's looking she sheds a tear.
Pretending is harder than it looks.
But I am right here.
I see everything no one else does.
Should I tell her before its too late?
That death is not the only option.
It should not be the last resort.
Maybe I should leave it up to fate.
She can't wait that long.
She wants to get away now.
Even if she knows it's wrong.
There's one jump she has to take.
A jump to end her neverending misery.
Heart Broken.
Tear Stained.
And Now

I could've stopped her from jumping.
Now it's my fault.
I was silently hoping
Maybe she would turn to God.
He had plans for her.
She would have made it through this hard time.
Then she would be happier;
Happier than she never was.
Her blood's still on the concrete.
Out of her window she lept.
Everyone knows her name now.
I even wept.
She was beautiful.
She was depressed.
Now she's just a corpse.
Her tombstone reads her suicide note.
Beautiful Remorse.
Two words with so much meaning
From the note,
That I wrote.

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