behind closed doors | Teen Ink

behind closed doors

May 19, 2009
By xoxokaty PLATINUM, Indianapolis, Indiana
xoxokaty PLATINUM, Indianapolis, Indiana
34 articles 0 photos 3 comments

open the door
smiles turn to frowns
at the sound of the closed door
before entrance
happiness was a disguise
on the inside
depression , anguish, fear
no one knows
no one sees
what happens behind closed doors
broken hearts
broken dreams
broken people
rest on the other side of the door
you see what you want to see
not the truth
the truth lies within the eyes
eyes are the doors to your heart, your soul
a smile can grace anything
but eyes tell all
lets take a walk
on the other side
see the struggle
see it all
god forbid you ever be there
to see what happens
pure hatred
hatred of ones self, ones life
dont judge the smile on a face
its a disguise
fake emotions to shield the truth
apathetic to hide the pain
close the door

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This article has 1 comment.

on Aug. 22 2009 at 6:35 pm
xXsmileXx PLATINUM, St. Louis, Missouri
34 articles 0 photos 265 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Your dreams only become intangible when you stop reaching" ~me ;)

I really like this and i feel like everyone, including myself, can relate to it. You did a really good job describing what happens to the part of a person no one can see. Great Job!