4 Love Quotes | Teen Ink

4 Love Quotes

August 10, 2009
By PLMusicLover11 PLATINUM, Prior Lake, Minnesota
PLMusicLover11 PLATINUM, Prior Lake, Minnesota
25 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;Love is Like Garbage....you put everything into it, just to throw it away&quot;<br /> -Me

Love is like the sky; endless, beautiful, and people always ask what it looks like.

You are like a river; you're always helpful and no matter where I go you're there.

As you look out at the world and notice how large and full of wonderit is, tell yourself that you'll slow down, so you wont miss anything.

Wherever you go I will follow you, no matter where we go or what we do; because I wont sit here everyday, regretting that I just let love walk away.


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