Life and Love Go On... | Teen Ink

Life and Love Go On...

August 6, 2009
By Man:D! BRONZE, Mount Angel, Oregon
Man:D! BRONZE, Mount Angel, Oregon
1 article 0 photos 1 comment

Every time I think about what we could be, something is always in the way blocking like a wall threatening not to let anyone pass. But then I have to think wow I am crazy and I would never be able to be with you, not in 10 years or in a century. I just keep trying to kick the thought out of my head, maybe to the curb just for a while to clear my mind, but hey we can all dream right...
Him and I talk a lot and are good friends but why would I ruin that with the way I feel, maybe I am just scared to know the way he feels. I would rather be close as we now then make some stupid move and demolish what we have.
When life and love move onward will my heart? Even though it festers like gasoline being set a blaze, each and every time reopening sores that were patched from long ago, but now being set on flames causing them to get wider each and every occasion. My question is when and how long will it take to stop these aches and worsen pains that shoot through my unfeeling heart. But not exactly neither unfeeling nor numbing like wishing it would be to stop the crushing and shattering of the nothingness of my unfeeling heart.
He searches like nothing is there like he is waiting for her emerge out of thin air, but how can I be positive, I don't think he realizes I am here no matter what for him, always by his side for hard times and the wonders and things he endures.
A life time ago its seems that we both felt the same way it seems, but the mind plays tricks on those who are in pain, possibly pain is just weakness of a broken heart, but not
all of us know that we do have that disadvantage of a complicated heart

The author's comments:
I really like to write poetry. So i just took some of my feelings and put them on peaper. This piece i have written is kind like i was going threw a heartbreak.

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