I Try | Teen Ink

I Try

August 6, 2009
By Collin Spinney BRONZE, Raymond, New Hampshire
Collin Spinney BRONZE, Raymond, New Hampshire
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Sitting in this lonely room,
I hear cars whir past.
My thoughts broom-swept in the starving gloom
They seem to move unsurpassed.

I hear cars whir past
Like they’re flying through my consciousness,
They seem to move unsurpassed.
My brain seems to obsess

On things flying through my consciousness.
The cars still fly.
My brain seems to obsess
On things, then they die.

The cars still fly
On and on like they know what’s up.
Suddenly they all die,
Die away when I get close up.

On and on like they know what’s up.
Escaping like a fly from my strike,
Dying away when I get close up.
They start to all just look alike.

Escapin way like a fly from my hand
People appear waving goodbye.
They start to all just look alike.
I start to pull away, or at least I try.

People appear waving goodbye
And to my surprise the scene outside is the same.
I start to pull away, or at least I try.
And if I fail who’s to blame?

And to my surprise the scene outside is the same.
Getting dizzy I start to sway,
And if I fail who’s to blame?
My lunch yesterday starts to spray.

Getting dizzy I start to sway
And lay down in the coming gloom.
My lunch yesterday continues to spray
Sitting in this darkened room.

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